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Analysis of Safeguarding Adults Reviews

This first national analysis of Safeguarding Adult Reviews (SARs) in England was funded by the Care and Health Improvement Programme, supported by the Local Government Association (LGA) and the Association of Directors of Adult Social Services (ADASS). Its purpose was to identify priorities for sector-led improvement. This summary identifies the headline findings and provides an outline of the 11 sections of the main report, to which readers can turn for further detail. Building on published regional thematic reviews and analyses focusing on specific types of abuse and neglect, the analysis fills a significant gap in the knowledge base about adult safeguarding across all types of abuse and neglect.


Both the full report and executive summary have been published, co-badged by ADASS and LGA and there was a successful virtual launch in December 2020.

The full report, Analysis of Safeguarding Adult Reviews: April 2017 - March 2019, is lengthy and academic, reflecting the considerable work that has been undertaken, the range and depth of analysis. An Executive summary has also been provided.

These six shorter targeted briefings have been developed to enable easier access to the wealth of information and guidance arising from this work. These have been developed for: 

The purpose of the briefings is to enable the learning and key messages from the analysis to be disseminated and have an impact across safeguarding practice and systems, supporting sector led improvement in adult safeguarding.