Partnerships Practitioner Forum Wed 05 Apr 2023
Partnerships Practitioner Forum
Are you passionate about improving frontline practice and making a difference in the lives of adults at risk? Then, we invite you to join the Partnerships Practitioner Forum hosted by the Bradford Safeguarding Adults Board.
Led by Jane Geraghty, the independent chair of BSAB, this forum offers an exclusive opportunity to share your views on how we can enhance frontline practice and make adults at risk feel safer.
We're looking for dedicated professionals from every corner of the district and all agencies who are interested in contributing to change, partnering with BSAB, and being part of our research and quality assurance system.
Through these practitioner forums, you can engage in a two-way communication with BSAB, share your experiences day by day, and help us improve the quality of our services.
A safeguarding practitioner forum can provide a platform for professionals working in different sectors and organisations to share their expertise, best practices, and challenges related to safeguarding vulnerable adults.
So, join us via Microsoft Teams on 13th April @ 12:30 and be part of this exciting journey towards creating a safer environment for adults at risk.
Please click on the below link:
Microsoft Teams meeting
Join on your computer, mobile app or room device
Click here to join the meeting
Meeting ID: 315 871 102 483
Passcode: EK7zc7
Download Teams | Join on the web
Don't miss this chance to make a real difference. See you there”