Safeguarding Week 2024
Bradford Safeguarding Week is an annual week of learning events coordinated by the Working Together to Safeguard Children - The Bradford Partnership, Bradford Safeguarding Adults Board and the Community Safety Partnership, in collaboration with Adults Services, Domestic Abuse Partnership, Health and our other multi-agency partners.
The key purpose of the week is to provide a range of learning and development opportunities for staff and volunteers working in the sectors of safeguarding adults, domestic abuse and safeguarding children.
Please let us know if you are undertaking any events for Safeguarding Week and we can include the details on our events page. Please complete this form.
Safeguarding Week Events
20 June - What is it like to be a child in...? Moving to Work in a Culturally Competent Way - Liz Ward, Named Nurse for Safeguarding Children (more details)
20 June - Why do Bradford Children Die? - Airedale NHS Foundation Trust (more details)
24 June - The impact of poverty on safeguarding and the neglect toolkit. - Kate Thompson, specialist safeguarding practitioner and Sharon Haigh, team leader in public health nursing children services (more details)
24 June - Parental Mental Health Impact on Parenting Capacity. - Donna Flaherty, specialist safeguarding practitioner (more details)
24 June - Staying Put: Safeguarding Week! It's Everybody's Business. - Kamaljit Benton, Domestic Abuse and Sexual Violence Chair (more details)
25 June - ANHSFT Safeguarding Adult and Children Annual Conference 2024. -
Airedale NHS Foundation Trust (more details)
25 June - Safeguarding Pop-Up Stand in Bradford Broadway Centre - Safeguarding Business Partnership
25 June - Exploitation. - Josephine Davenport, specialist safeguarding practitioner (more details)
25 June - Safety Planning for Children, Young People & their Families - Lindsay Harmasch, The Learning & Development Team (more details)
25 June - Survive and Thrive Lunch and Learn Case Study - Jo Horrox, MAZE Partners Domestic Abuse Support Worker / Staying Put. Nikki Moore, Senior DAPP Practitioner Women Centre / Vageha Ahmed - Senior Practitioner for Integrated Children's Service (more details)
26 June - Conference - Tri-Board Practitioners Learning Event
26 June - Peri-Natal Mental Health and Safeguarding - Sara Jones, Specialist Safeguarding Practitioner and Dr Lian Chua, Peri-Natal Team (more details)
27 June - Self-Neglect and Hoarding - Suzanne Convery, Specialist Safeguarding Practitioner (more details)
28 June - The Impact of Mental Health on Domestic Abuse - Safiyah Sheikh, Specialist Safeguarding Practitioner and Angela Ellis-Smith, Community Mental Health Nurse (more details)
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